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Posts published in “Robin’s Videos”

Video interview with Katie Skipper: nutrition coach and personal trainer

In this video meet Katie Skipper, a personal trainer that believes when our bodies are healthy inside and out, the stresses of life are much easier to handle. She does this with grace — her methods are proven effective by the great results her clients are getting! Katie and her husband are excited about being a part of the Fallbrook community. Growing up in a small town, it was important for them to have that same small town feel with a real community of support, and they have that here in Fallbrook.

Video Interview: Paul Schuman, a true Fallbrook advocate

Paul Schuman — where to begin? This is a wonderful human being. He is articulate, passionate, compassionate, empathetic, intelligent, innovative, and truly cares about Fallbrook and the community. He does many things to contribute to the well being of our children, homeless, businesses, and anyone that wants to get his health advice too! He is an all-around man about town and puts any ‘Jack of all Trades’ to shame. If you need financial advice, he will help. Paul shares with us his thoughts of what people with money should be doing with it and I’m betting most will agree with him.

Angel Society Thrift Store has donated $4.5 million to good causes in the community

In this video meet The Angel Society Thrift of Fallbrook. It is a non profit thrift store and is run by true angels! All volunteers, and students fulfilling service hours for high school are the ones that keep this place running smoothly. They have earned over four and a half million dollars and distributed it over the years to many of the well deserving charities here in town. Remember to donate items or cash to them and know that it goes to worthy causes doing wonderful things for Fallbrookians.

Video: AAUW in Fallbrook mentors local girls

The AAUW is a national organization started in 1881. Their mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

In this video, members of the local chapter of AAUW talk about their efforts here in Fallbrook to encourage young women on their journeys. Have a look!

D’Vine Path – IMAGINE show – part 2 video

Thanks to the wonderful founder, staff, students and the board, D’Vine Path held its 3rd annual Talent Show! The packed event was standing room only. The fantastic turnout deserves its own video. For those I missed, my apologies, just email me a pic of you at the event, and I will be happy to add you. ( It is the community support, in addition to all the work that goes into this, that makes an event like this such a success!

Video interview with Karen Langer Baker — award-winning Fallbrookian artist

Meet Karen Langer Baker. She is an artist extraordinaire, mentor, healer and so much more! She is a member of the Fallbrook Art Association and a member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), a group of educated and accomplished women that mentor young women from underserved areas. Karen is into holistic healing too! Her art is in all types of media. Check out this video and her gorgeous art!

D’Vine Path 3rd Annual Talent Show ‘IMAGINE’

In this video you will learn about what Lenila Batoli, founder of D’Vine Path, along with the staff and board of directors, a giant family of amazing people, are all about.

We did a previous video interview when the school was on Batoli Ranch, but now it has its very own building that was once used by Tory Spelling for her reality show.

This is not just another talent show, nor is this just another special needs adults program. This is D’Vine Path, an innovative, successful vocational education program that really works! The program is teaching not only life skills, but instructors have a strong emphasis on learning skills on how to have and maintain a career. When the staff discovers a natural ability that the student possesses, they really help them to bring that skill to a level of possible employment.

The program begins by introducing students to classes that teach them all about agriculture and culinary skills as well. They grow the foods, then they learn to create amazing meals. The students do ‘Farm to Table’ events for their families and community. The work begins on a vineyard. The students are assigned two vines at when they start the program, and they learn to raise them until they are ready to produce fine wine.

(This was mentioned during the founders introduction – One of the students has been getting brain scans as part of his care. The doctor had to ask what he was up to because his brain activity has improved so much it is notable. The answer Doc is, “D’VINE PATH!”)

Fallbrook Art Association monthly awards event: Clouds

The Fallbrook Art Association had their monthly awards event recently and I was fortunate to attend. The month’s theme was Clouds.

Check out the amazing art in this video — I don’t know how they chose the winners, but they did. The winners are as follows: 1st. place goes to Roy Fedorchak – ‘After the Storms’, 2nd. place, Cathy Stradley – ‘Moonrise’, 3rd place Noel Glaser – ‘Before the Tractors’, Honorable mention, Arinna Ayai – ‘View the Window’, Honorable mention, Judith Wicka Uwert – ‘Out my Backdoor’. For more information about the gallery and events go online to