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Who pays to maintain parks in Fallbrook?

County parks are funded by the county, like the new park on Fallbrook St at Morro.

The Fallbrook Land Conservancy also manages parks. From Susan Liebes of Fallbrook Land Conservancy:

When we acquire a property through a process like mitigation, where developers are required to set aside land for a park and fund an endowment, the money is invested either with The San Diego Foundation or The Legacy EndowmentEvery year, we receive a distribution from each endowment that covers some or all of the expenses of managing the preserve it was set up to support.  The principal of the endowment is never withdrawn, so it should provide sustainable funding for the preserve in perpetuity.  The exception to this is older preserves like Los Jilgueros and Monserate, where we have much higher usage and expenses than expected.

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